ASHP retrofit in barn conversion.

This property is situated in Casteron near Kirkby Lonsdale. The customer had an internal oil boiler which you could smell as soon as you walked in the house. It was a sickening odour and one the homeowner was all to eager to get rid of. We removed the oil boiler. In the what was now an empty cupboard we fitted a 300 litre cylinder.

We installed a 9kw Panasonic T-Cap Air source heatpump outside the front of the property and ran the 28mm flow and return pipes lagged in type o lagging inside a black soil pipe to make it look like a waste pipe. the customer was very pleased with the asthetics of this. We then upsized pretty much all of the radiators in the house. Down stairs we replaced all the TRV’s with lockshields and left the TRV’s in the bedrooms.

The system is controlled by the Panasonics own digital control situated inside the living room and this runs the house via weather compensation. The system is currently running a COP of 3.2 since november whcih has been a pretty cold winter.

We expect an overall yearly COP of 4.5 on this system and will be happy to report back in November.


Ground source heating installation.


6kw Solar PV installation